Spanish Glory

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: April the 4th 2024


This Privacy Policy describes how SpanishGlory (“we”, “us”, or “our”) collects, uses, and discloses your personal information when you visit our website [] (the “Site”) and use our services.


We are really committed to protecting your privacy and to protect your personal information. This website complies with all EU laws and requirements for user privacy. The purpose of this privacy policy statement is that we want to make clear how we collect, use, and store your personal data. We also want to let you know your own rights concerning personal data.


You can browse through without disclosing any of your personal data. Spanishglory does not collect personal information such as email addresses or names, unless it is knowingly provided.

How do we collect your information?

We collect your information directly when you fill out our Contact Us form. The other way we collect your information is if you send us an e-mail or write us via Social Media.


The information we collect

On our website, we solely request essential personal information needed to fulfill your requested activity. This includes name, address, email address, telephone, and country of residence. We also collect information about your computer, including where your IP address is available. Also other things like your browser type and the system you are operating from.

How we use your personal data

We only use the information we collect to improve our website and services, to be specific we may use your information to:


  • Respond to inquiries and communicate with you.
  • To keep our website functional and secure
  • To perform market research


Website Cookies

This website uses cookies to make your experience better. When you visit our website for the first time, you can choose if you want to allow or not allow cookies on your computer or device.


Cookies help our website work well and customize the information, products, and services you see, both on our website and elsewhere.

Cookies are small files that save information about how you use the website on your computer. This helps us give you a better experience when you use our website.


We don’t use cookies to collect your personal information like your name, address, or contact details.


Google Analytics

We use tracking software called Google Analytics to see how people use our website. This helps us understand what visitors do on our site. Google Analytics uses cookies to track how you use the website. These cookies are small files that are saved on your computer.


The software doesn’t collect personal information about you. It just keeps track of how you engage with the website.

We don’t try to figure out who you are, and we don’t let Google do that either.

You can learn more about Google’s privacy policies by visiting this link: [ ]

Links to other websites

We have links to other websites, but we don’t try to get any personal information about you from these links.

When you visit these other websites, they might want to collect your personal information for their own reasons.

You should check their privacy policies to see how they use and store your personal data.