Spanish Glory


Your Ultimate Guide To The Best Festivals In Spain

Welcome to our ultimate guide on the best festivals in Spain! Spain is famous for its lively and vibrant celebrations that showcase the country’s rich cultural heritage. In this guide, we’ll take you through some of the top festivals, providing insights into the unique traditions and festivities that make Spain a festive paradise.


From the famous La Tomatina to the exhilarating Running of the Bulls, discover the best festivals that bring Spain to life. Join us on this journey as we unravel the excitement and cultural richness of Spain’s most beloved celebrations.

Es Mercadal

Top 14 Festivals in Spain

1. La Tomatina – Tomato Throwing Festival
2. Running of the Bulls – San Fermín Festival
3. Feria de Abril – Seville April Fair
4. Fallas de Valencia – Valencia Fire Festival
5. Semana Santa – Holy Week
6. Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife
7. San Isidro Festival – Madrid
8. Diada de Sant Jordi – Catalonia’s Day of the Rose and Book
9. La Mercè – Barcelona
10. Cascamorras – Baza and Guadix
11. Semana Grande – Bilbao
12. El Colacho – Baby Jumping Festival
13. El Rocío Pilgrimage – Andalusia
14. Cordoba Courtyard Festival

1. La Tomatina - Tomato Throwing Festival

La Tomatina is a fun and unique festival that takes place in the town of Buñol, Spain. It’s a celebration where people come together to throw tomatoes at each other – yes, you heard it right, tomatoes! The festival happens annually on the last Wednesday of August, and it attracts people from all around the world. The origins of La Tomatina are a bit unclear, but it is believed to have started in the mid-20th century. Some say it began as a food fight among friends, while others think it was a protest during a parade.


To participate, you need to follow some rules to ensure everyone’s safety. For example, squashing tomatoes before throwing them is recommended to reduce the impact. Additionally, participants are encouraged to wear old clothes and protective goggles. The festival is not just about throwing tomatoes; it’s also a time for music, dancing, and enjoying the lively atmosphere.


After the tomato fight concludes, the streets are often stained red, and the participants head to the nearby rivers to clean off the tomato paste. La Tomatina is a symbol of joy, spontaneity, and the ability to let loose and have fun. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience that brings people together for a day of laughter, excitement, and, of course, lots of tomatoes!

2. Running of the Bulls - San Fermín Festival

San Fermin Pamplona

The Running of the Bulls is a thrilling and famous event that happens during the San Fermín Festival in Pamplona, Spain. It takes place every year from July 6th to July 14th, and people from all over the world come to join in the excitement.


The festival honors San Fermín, the patron saint of Pamplona. One of the most anticipated parts of the celebration is the daily running of the bulls, which typically takes place early in the morning. This tradition involves releasing a group of bulls into the narrow, winding streets of the city, and daring individuals run alongside them.


The runners, known as “mozos,” wear traditional white clothing with a red sash and scarf. The streets are crowded with people cheering and watching as the bulls charge through the course. It’s a mix of excitement, bravery, and a little bit of craziness!


The run covers a specific route, and the whole thing lasts just a few minutes. Once the bulls reach the bullring, where bullfights take place, the run is considered complete. Afterward, there are various festivities, including music, dancing, and traditional Spanish food, making it a time of joy and celebration for everyone. This makes it one of the most exciting festivals in Spain

3. Feria de Abril - Seville April Fair

The Feria de Abril, or Seville April Fair, is a lively and colorful festival held in Seville, Spain, usually two weeks after Easter. The fairgrounds transform into a dazzling spectacle with rows of festive tents called “casetas.” People dress in traditional Andalusian attire, creating a vibrant and cheerful atmosphere.


The fair kicks off with a grand ceremony, lighting up the fairgrounds with thousands of twinkling lights. During the day, horse-drawn carriages parade through, showcasing Andalusian horses and carriages. Visitors can enjoy amusement rides, attractions, and indulge in delicious Andalusian food.


As the sun sets, the real party begins in the casetas. Flamenco music fills the air, and people dance the lively Sevillanas. The festive spirit continues late into the night, making the Feria de Abril a joyful celebration of Spanish culture, community, and traditions. It’s an unforgettable experience of music, dance, and togetherness under the Andalusian stars.

4. Fallas de Valencia - Valencia Fire Festival

One of the best festivals in Spain is Fallas de Valencia, or the Valencia Fire Festival, is a lively celebration held in March in Valencia, Spain. The highlight of the festival is the creation of massive sculptures called “fallas” placed throughout the city. These colorful and often humorous sculptures are made of combustible materials.


The festival is a burst of activity, featuring parades, traditional music, and processions with people in traditional Valencian clothing. Each neighborhood competes to make the most impressive falla, turning the city into an open-air art gallery.


The climax of Fallas de Valencia occurs on March 19th during “La Cremà.” This is the night when the fallas are set on fire in a dazzling display. It symbolizes a fresh start and the arrival of spring. The burning of the fallas is a mesmerizing event that attracts locals and visitors alike, making Fallas de Valencia a vibrant celebration of art, culture, and the spirit of renewal.

5. Semana Santa - Holy Week

Semana Santa - Holy Week

Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is a special time in many Spanish-speaking places, like Spain, leading up to Easter Sunday. It’s a week filled with religious events and traditions to remember the last days of Jesus Christ.


During Semana Santa, towns host processions where people carry statues representing stories from the Bible. The atmosphere is both serious and cultural, with traditional music playing a role.


What makes Semana Santa unique is the use of decorative floats, called “pasos,” carrying religious sculptures through the streets. Participants, often dressed in special robes, walk alongside the floats, creating a moving display of faith.


Spectators gather to watch, and it’s a time for both reflection and religious observation. Many attend church services, and the week is marked by a strong sense of community. Semana Santa beautifully combines religious customs and cultural practices, uniting people in the shared remembrance of Holy Week events.

6. Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is a lively and colorful celebration held in Santa Cruz, the capital of Tenerife, Canary Islands. It’s one of the biggest carnivals in the world, known for its vibrant parades, music, and elaborate costumes.


During the carnival, the streets come alive with energy as people of all ages dress up in elaborate outfits. There are dazzling parades featuring vibrant floats, lively music, and dance performances. The highlight is the election of the Carnival Queen, a competition where women showcase stunning costumes and performances.


One of the most exciting aspects is the street parties, where locals and visitors join together to celebrate. Music, dancing, and laughter fill the air, creating a festive atmosphere that lasts for days. The Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is a joyful and inclusive event that brings people together to revel in the spirit of fun and unity.

7. San Isidro Festival - Madrid

The San Isidro Festival is a big and happy celebration in Madrid, usually happening in mid-May. It’s all about honoring the city’s patron saint, San Isidro Labrador. During the festival, the whole city comes alive with exciting events. People join processions, enjoy music concerts, dance to traditional tunes, and take part in lively folklore activities. Madrid’s streets get decorated, creating a cheerful atmosphere.


A special part of the celebration is the pilgrimage to the Hermitage of San Isidro, where people gather to show their respect to the saint. Many dress up in traditional outfits, adding even more color to the festivities.

The festival offers a mix of cultural and fun activities, including bullfights, exhibitions, and family-friendly events. It’s a time when locals and visitors come together to celebrate Madrid’s traditions and have a great time in the spirit of joy and unity.

8. Diada de Sant Jordi

Diada de Sant Jordi, celebrated on April 23rd, is a special day in Catalonia, Spain. It combines the tradition of celebrating love and literature. On this day, people exchange gifts of roses and books.


Traditionally, men give women a red rose, symbolizing love and passion. In return, women give men a book, inspired by the fact that April 23rd is also the anniversary of the deaths of famous authors William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. The streets come alive with colorful stalls selling books and roses, creating a festive and romantic atmosphere. Authors often participate in book signings, adding to the literary charm of the day.


Diada de Sant Jordi is one of the most beautiful festivals in Spain. The celebration is about love and literature, turning the streets into a vibrant display of flowers and books. It’s a day to express affection and appreciation for loved ones through these thoughtful and meaningful gifts.

9. La Mercè - Barcelona

La merce barcelona

La Mercè is a lively festival celebrated in Barcelona, Spain, honoring the city’s patroness, the Virgin of Mercy. This exciting event usually takes place around September 24th and is one of Barcelona’s biggest and most colorful celebrations.


During La Mercè, the streets are filled with vibrant parades, music concerts, and traditional dances. One of the highlights is the impressive display of “castells,” human towers built by teams of people climbing on top of each other. Colorful giants and dragons parade through the city, creating a magical atmosphere. Fireworks light up the night sky, and there are various cultural events, concerts, and street performances for everyone to enjoy.


La Mercè is a time when Barcelona comes together to celebrate its cultural heritage with enthusiasm and joy. Locals and visitors alike join in the festivities, creating a lively and festive atmosphere throughout the city. This makes it one of the best festivals in Spain

10. Cascamorras - Baza and Guadix

Cascamorras - Baza and Guadix​

Cascamorras is a unique and playful festival celebrated in the towns of Baza and Guadix in Spain. It takes place on September 6th and is known for its fun and colorful traditions.


During Cascamorras, participants dressed in vibrant costumes cover themselves in colored paint and oil. The main event involves a playful rivalry between the towns of Baza and Guadix. A character called the Cascamorras, representing Baza, tries to make his way to Guadix to reclaim an image of the Virgin Mary. However, the people of Guadix aim to prevent him from reaching their town, leading to a friendly and messy paint fight.


The festival is a joyful and lively celebration, where locals and visitors alike come together to enjoy the playful rivalry and the colorful chaos of Cascamorras. It’s a day filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a unique expression of cultural identity.

11. Semana Grande - Bilbao

Semana Grande, meaning “Big Week,” is a lively and exciting festival celebrated in Bilbao, Spain. Usually taking place in August, this festival is a week-long extravaganza filled with fun and cultural events.


During Semana Grande, the city bursts into life with vibrant parades, concerts, and traditional Basque sports exhibitions. One of the highlights is the international fireworks competition, where colorful displays light up the night sky, attracting spectators from all around.


The streets are filled with music, dance, and a variety of activities for everyone to enjoy. People come together to celebrate Basque culture, with traditional music and dance performances creating a festive atmosphere.

Semana Grande is a time of joy and community spirit, where locals and visitors join in the festivities to experience the lively and dynamic culture of Bilbao. It’s a week filled with entertainment, delicious food, and a sense of togetherness that makes it a special celebration in the heart of the Basque Country.

12. El Colacho Baby Jumping Festival

El Colacho, also known as the Baby Jumping Festival, is a unique and lively tradition celebrated in the village of Castrillo de Murcia, Spain. This unusual festival usually takes place in June.


During El Colacho, men dressed as the devil, known as “Colacho,” jump over babies born in the past year who lie on mattresses placed along the streets. This centuries-old practice is believed to cleanse the babies of original sin and protect them from harm.


The festival combines religious elements with a playful and theatrical atmosphere. Families bring their babies to participate, and the daring jumps are met with cheers and celebration from the community.

El Colacho is a fascinating and quirky cultural event that attracts both locals and curious visitors, offering a glimpse into the blend of tradition, folklore, and joyful celebrations in this small Spanish village.

13. El Rocío Pilgrimage

The El Rocío Pilgrimage is a colorful and deeply religious event celebrated in Andalusia, Spain. Held in late May or early June, the pilgrimage attracts thousands of pilgrims who travel to the village of El Rocío.


Pilgrims, often dressed in traditional Andalusian attire, embark on a journey, some even on horseback or in decorated wagons, to reach the sanctuary of El Rocío. The pilgrimage culminates in a joyous celebration at the Hermitage of El Rocío.


The atmosphere is filled with music, dance, and a sense of devotion as people come together to honor the Virgin of El Rocío. The festivities include flamenco performances, horse shows, and a procession carrying the statue of the Virgin through the streets.


El Rocío Pilgrimage is a unique blend of religious fervor and cultural celebration, creating a vibrant and festive experience for participants and spectators alike.

14. Cordoba Courtyard Festival

Cordoba Courtyard Festival​

The Cordoba Courtyard Festival, held in May, is a charming celebration of beauty and tradition in Cordoba, Spain. During this festival, residents open their homes to showcase their stunning courtyards adorned with colorful flowers.


Local homeowners compete in a friendly contest to create the most breathtaking and creatively decorated courtyards. The festival aims to highlight the beauty of Cordoba’s architecture and the Andalusian tradition of cultivating lovely, flower-filled spaces.


Visitors stroll through the narrow streets, discovering hidden gems behind the typical white-washed walls. The aroma of blooming flowers, the vibrant colors, and the soothing sound of fountains create a peaceful and enchanting atmosphere. The Cordoba Courtyard Festival is not just a visual feast, but also a celebration of community spirit and the rich cultural heritage of this charming Spanish city.